Well, its been a weird and wonderful year for many reasons. But what happened to the film? Basically it didn't seem to really travel. The East End Film Festival and The London Short Film Festival screened the film with all the other discs being lost in the post en route to international film festivals.
Fast forward 10 months laters and THE 10AM has just been sitting on my vimeo page with a lonely 46 views but then I screened the film to some art students at a recent talk I gave and it received a very positive reaction, renewing my faith in what we had originally created. I submitted the film to Short Of The Week, if anything just for the critical appraisal they give if it didn't make the grade, a bargain for $24. They loved it. A week later it was on their website and a few days later it received a Vimeo Staff Pick that resulted in a shit load more hits, interest and some great comments. Sometimes distance is a great thing, yes it has things I'd tweak but I'm confident now (through time and distance) that I can say it's a good film and I would love to expand the universe of Aeron & Son Ltd. I wonder if anyone will turn up with a bag of money to make part II? I hope so.